Footy Season starts in November, or pre-season does

This week preparations started at SUANFC for the Sydney AFL 2011 Season. Pre-season has started on Monday and Wednesday nights in the lead up to the Christmas break. It looks like some of the boys haven’t stopped training, while many have clearly enjoyed the last 2 months off the field.

While numbers are building, only about 30-40 blokes at the moment, the effort is there and the skills as sweet as ever (or lacking as ever for some of us). 2 training sessions in and haven’t had to climb the killer hill at Moore Park yet, but plenty of running is being incorporated in the skills drills.

The first taste of the real pre-season was the ‘circle’ at the end of training. Nothing like a few push-ups and a couple of minutes on the plank to finish the session!

Get down boys, before the real pain starts in January!

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Sometimes you're just glad it's only pre-season eh Casper? All crossed up..

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